DealByEthan Mystery Clearance Product 1


Quick Overview

We can't say what this mystery item is but we can tell you that it is worth a lot, LOT more than the asking price. We can also let you know that it is most likely going to be a pair of underwear, swimwear or other men... [read more]

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We can't say what this mystery item is but we can tell you that it is worth a lot, LOT more than the asking price. We can also let you know that it is most likely going to be a pair of underwear, swimwear or other men's fashion (clothing or otherwise). Limited stock. Don't miss out.

The type of product and the color etc is entirely random. Due to the nature of this mystery clearance special, there are strictly no exchanges or other returns. They are sold as is. E&OE.

Important Note: Please inform us what your waist and chest measurements are or at least what size you normally wear for tops and bottoms.